In Malta, dermatological and sexual health advice can be sought both through the public health service as well as through the private healthcare sector

Dermatology services in Malta

Dermatology services in Malta consist of an outpatient department as well as an inpatient ward that are both based at Mater Dei Hospital in Msida. Referral to the dermatology services is through a family practitioner.

Maltese nationals are entitled to free treatment at Mater Dei Hospital. Non-Maltese European Union and European Economic Area nationals as well as third country nationals are advised to contact the hospital prior to attending and to bring with them the relevant documentation proving their status and social security entitlement.

Dermatology services in Gozo

Dermatology clinics are held several times a month at the Gozo General Hospital in Victoria. More information about this hospital can be found here. The dermatology clinics usually run on Saturday mornings. Referral to these clinics is available to Gozo residents through family practitioners.

Sexual health services

Sexual health services in Malta are delivered at the genito-urinary (GU) clinic which is based in the Outpatient Department at Mater Dei Hospital in Msida. Services at this clinic are free to all attenders, regardless of nationality. Patients can self-refer to this clinic and do not require a medical referral to attend. Appointments can be arranged by contacting the clinic here. More information about sexual health in Malta can be found here.

Private clinics

There are numerous dermatologists as well as venereologists and genito-urinary physicians practising in the private healthcare sector in Malta and Gozo.


Medical practitioners in Malta need to be registered with the Malta Medical Council. Furthermore, those medical practitioners who have finished their training in their respective field should also be listed on the specialists’ register. These registers are freely accessible on the Maltese Health Ministry website at the following address here.

Kindly note that it is not within the remit of this website to provide details on dermatology or venereology clinics operating in the private sector. We also do not make recommendations on individual dermatologists or venereologists. Such enquiries will be ignored.