- The MADV Travel Grant is intended to be utilised by Higher Specialist Trainees in Dermatology or GU Medicine to attend a relevant overseas scientific conference, normally in Dermatology or GU Medicine.
- The Travel Grant is intended to fund attendance at a conference to be held during the calendar year (i.e. between 1st January and 31st December) following application.
- The chosen conference should be approved for the purposes of an MADV Travel Grant by the Post-Graduate Training Coordinator of Dermatology and Genito-Urinary Medicine.
- Applicants should be giving an oral or poster presentation at the said conference.
- One Travel Grant will be available each year.
- The value of each Travel Grant is €1,000.
Applicants should:
- Be HSTs following the Maltese training programme in Dermatology or GU Medicine. (HSTs who will have completed their HST training by the time the conference is held are still eligible to apply provided they are HSTs at the time of application)
- Be paid-up MADV members.
- Have not received an MADV Travel Grant previously.
- Have no other funding and do not expect to receive funding in future from other sources for attendance at the said conference.
Applicants should apply by letter/e-mail to the MADV Treasurer by the 30th November each year. The intention of the MADV is to complete the evaluation process and announce the winner of the MADV Travel Grant by the end of December each year. Applicants should provide an up-to-date curriculum vitae, list of publications & scientific presentations, details of the conference to be attended and a letter confirming approval of the Conference for the purposes of application for an MADV Travel Grant by the Post-Graduate Training Coordinator of Dermatology and Genito-Urinary Medicine.
The application letter/e-mail should include a statement that the applicant has no other funding and does not expect to receive funding in future from other sources for attendance at the said conference.
The conference to be attended should be scheduled to be held in the calendar year (i.e. between 1st January and 31st December) after application for the MADV Travel Grant. The grant will be paid to the winner when proof of acceptance of an abstract for oral or poster presentation at the conference is provided. The winner is expected to submit a short report after attending the conference giving details of the presentation made together with a copy of his/her Certificate of attendance at the said conference.
Selection will be made according to the applicants’ ‘List of Publications & Scientific Presentations’ at the time of application, using the objective evaluation system used by the EADV Honours & Awards Committee to evaluate applications for EADV scholarships:
- International Publications i.e. publications (excluding abstracts) in non-Maltese scientific journals & books: 3 points.
- National Publications i.e. publications (excluding abstracts) in Maltese scientific journals & books: 2 points.
- Oral or poster presentations at scientific conferences (in Malta or abroad): 1 point.
For further details click here.
A minimum of 5 points according to the above scoring system is required to be eligible for an MADV Travel Grant.
The rules can be found here.
Revised 14/12/17
MADV Travel Grant Past Winners
2017 – Donia Gamoudi (to attend the 4th Joint BHIVA and BASHH conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 17-20 April 2018; Poster Presentation: Epidemiological study on syphilis diagnoses at the Genitourinary clinic in Malta – Gamoudi D, Muscat K, Gauci Farrugia A, Abela M, Padovese V).
2018 – Roberto Corso (to attend the American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting, Washington, United States 1-5 March 2019; Poster Presentation: A case of superficial granulomatous pyoderma successfully treated with intravenous immunoglobulins and systemic corticosteroids – Corso R, Vella Baldacchino A, Boffa MJ).
2019 – Monique Cachia
2020 – Dillon Mintoff